Surface Pattern Design
Your art has licensing potential.
Have you ever considered using your art to create lifestyle products that enhance the experience of life?
The surface pattern industry is huge with potential to see your art on bolt fabric, stationery, clothing, wallpaper, party apparel, you name it. Look around - pattern is really all around you. Your art can find its way onto the card you send a loved one to the wallpaper in your living room, or the colourful journal you use to record your thoughts and dreams. To inspire you further, I'm thrilled and honoured to introduce you to a very special guest - DAVINDER MADAHER!
Davinder is a designer, consultant and lecturer. His surface patterns have been sold to top US and UK brands including The Gap, Guess, Liz Claiborne, Victoria's Secret, Next, Debenhams and Littlewoods to name a few. Davinder's designs have also been featured in Marie Claire, Grazia, House & Garden, Style, Country Homes, Home as well as House Beautiful. Davinder is one of those rare individuals who helped lift me out of the fog that I got caught in, allowing me to see things from an entirely fresh and clear perspective. Scroll down for my interview with him to inspire your own creativity!
I spent a good chunk of 2019 diving into surface pattern design. It took me months to gain a semblance of proficiency with the tools of the trade, namely Photoshop and Illustrator. I was so focused on the technical side of things that I could no longer see the forest for the trees. That's until Davinder reviewed my work. It was like a light bulb went on in my head. Everything that I was struggling to learn suddenly made sense. I ended up using my art to design a tween girl's bedroom, as well submitting my surface pattern concepts to a number of companies.
Surface pattern is an area that I'd love to explore further. It takes time, energy, dedication and passion to pursue something new. You can all too easily become so frustrated that you just want to give up. That's part and parcel of the process. Yet, with a little patience, your latent abilities will surprise you! I was over the moon once I finally reached the stage of seeing my designs displayed on lifestyle products. How exhilarating is that?!
Sara xo
Quote of the Month
"Design creates culture. Culture shapes values. Values determine the future."
(Robert L. Peters)
How often have you heard yourself saying, "I have no clue when it comes to art," or "I can't draw let alone paint!"? I'd like to prove you wrong. I've created a new online course to help you rediscover your innate creativity that perhaps you put to sleep many years ago. Jump on board and join the FLY FREE creative community. In the process you'll enter the realm of the Peregrine falcon. Learn about the healing world of homeopathy through colour and acrylic paint. It will help untether you from whatever is holding you back from living the life you were meant for. The members are loving it! Curious? Find out more about this unique mixed media art online course.
Hi Davinder what drew you to the world of surface pattern design?
I have always been interested in Art since I was a kid. It really began when I got to Art college in Winchester that I discovered my love for pattern and Textiles. We would experiment with textures and drawings and found that it was this that drew me to surface pattern. I then applied to the University of Brighton to do a B.A Hons Degree in Fashion and Textiles. Which then drew me even closer to pattern especially print.
What inspires your creative work?
My creativity comes from various sources really, from music, art, but especially nature and flowers. Most of my work is inspired by flowers and nature which bring me great joy and peace. It really is a connection with nature and organic forms predominantly flowers, which I am drawn to.
There are many markets for surface pattern design. Why did you choose fashion and homewares?
My degree was in Fashion with Textiles and always loved Fashion. For many years I designed for Fashion especially womenswear. It was only by chance that my first boss was working in the same company as me and asked me if I would design a Tropical pattern for bedding. My first design actually went on many products from cushions, towels, stationary, melamine to outdoor picnic set. I have also designed prints for childrenswear and menswear but womenswear is my first love.
How do you want people to feel when they wear your patterns or adorn their homes with your homeware designs?
I want them to feel happy. I want them to know that what they have invested in purchasing a design brings them joy and a smile to their face. Whenever someone says to me that they 'love' my work then I know that I have done my job.
Your review of my work was hugely helpful - essentially an aha moment. I got so mired in trying to learn how to use Photoshop and Illustrator that for some reason I felt I had to reinvent a whole new style to apply to my surface pattern designs. It didn't occur to me that as you said, "The computer is just obviously another tool...but I feel like you could really go to town with some of the work you actually have on your website." It sounds obvious now but at the time it wasn't clear to me at all. Since your review of my work, everything suddenly clicked into place for me. I took your advice and began to approach my surface pattern designs the way I approach my canvas while painting, so a huge thank you! Having someone review one's work is tremendously helpful. Sometimes, just a few well placed words are just what someone needs to hear to open the door to a whole new way of perceiving. It can be a source of tremendous encouragement, when that person might be on the verge of giving up. Pushing through the difficulty, I've found, is very rewarding. What words of support can you give to those who would love to do something creative but feel they don't have what it takes to make it in design?
I think you have to keep persevering, you have to keep challenging yourself. It's not always easy but keep trying and surround yourself with people that are going to support your dreams. Keep positive and when you have those moments of doubt just remember that any career takes time.
Anything else you'd like to share with us?
I think if I had any advice is to 'ask' and I have found this to be true in the opportunities that I have had. Ask if you can work for someone or ask for advice on your work. We have each other for that. I even ask my kids if they like my work or what they think about an idea and their answers often surprise me.
To learn more about Davinder follow him on Instagram HERE. If you'd love to pursue a career in this field check out MAKE IT IN DESIGN.
New Painting in Shop
The Blessed Tree - a textured acrylic painting on canvas.