Awaken Your Creativity and Enter a New World of Self-Discovery with




Reclaim your purpose and discover the beauty of your inner world through mixed media art!

Something inside you is nudging you to explore your untapped creativity. How exciting!

And yet let me guess - you were once brimming with ideas and enthusiasm but now all you feel is discouraged and frustrated. You would love to have some time to nurture your soul and start something creative for yourself but thoughts of โ€˜I shouldโ€™ and โ€˜I have toโ€™ occupy a lot more of your head space than youโ€™d like to admit. You wake up every morning thinking โ€˜Todayโ€™s the day!โ€ but it whizzes past you and all of your well intended intentions along with it.

You feel held back and lacking in inspiration when it comes to pursuing a wholesome creative path that resonates for you. You find it difficult to find time for yourself and your passions. Self-doubt, uncertainty and procrastination sabotage your every effort when it comes to doing something for you.

Sound familiar? Well youโ€™re not alone.

For women interested in a holistic creative lifestyle, this feeling can be all too familiar. Despite their efforts, it seems like they can't quite reach their goals and something always gets in the way.

One of the biggest challenges these women face is the lack of time for themselves. They may feel like they're constantly being pulled in different directions by work, family, or social obligations. This leaves them with little space to explore their creativity let alone attempt to connect with their soul's purpose. It's a frustrating cycle that can leave them feeling drained and disconnected.

Another stumbling block is the pressure to prioritise seemingly more important things. Society lauds productivity and achievement, leaving little room for play and creativity. If you are interested in pursuing a creative lifestyle that connects you with your inner compass, you may feel the need to justify your pursuits, which can be disheartening. It is so easy to lose sight of the value of creativity and self-discovery when it seems like everyone else is focused on external success. It can seem like there is no hope, no way out, and no chance to achieve the creative fulfilment that your soul so desperately craves.

โ€œLife beats down and crushes the soul and art reminds you that you have one."

โ€• Stella Adler


 Imagine starting your day with an art process that will colourfully ripple through all parts of your life and help you approach everything with fresh smiling eyes. 

What if โ€ฆ

What if you woke up every morning with a sense of purpose and excitement for the day ahead. Imagine if you knew exactly what you wanted to do with your life, and were able to pursue it with passion and determination. This kind of life is within your reach when you take the time to look within and discover what your spirit wants for you.

When you are in alignment with your soul purpose, you will find that everything in your life starts to fall into place. You will have more energy, more clarity and more focus, allowing you to achieve your goals with ease. More importantly, you will begin to enjoy the journey, rather than simply focusing on the destination. A life that is more meaningful and joyful will be within your reach.

One of the most powerful ways to connect with your soul purpose is through creative expression. Pursuing a creative practice allows you to tune into your innermost desires and passions. By combining this with an understanding of the healing potential of homeopathy, you can create a truly holistic approach to your life. You will be able to unlock your full potential, and discover what it truly means to live a fulfilling and soulful life.

That my friend is the power that comes from looking within and allowing yourself the time and energy to find and nurture your soul purpose. So, go ahead and explore the possibilities. The adventure awaits you!

Thank you so much Sara, a very beautiful class. Thanks so much for creating it. Itโ€™s amazing anyone can try it. Anyone can follow along - easy instructions and ideas.
— Mary (California, USA)

Allow Arnica Montana to be your Spirit Guide!

Are you looking for a unique and holistic way to explore your inner self and find your soul purpose in life? If so, this holistic mixed media online course could be just the solution you've been seeking! This type of course offers a wide range of creative activities and techniques that can help you tap into your innermost thoughts, feelings, and desires. Become acquainted with the healing system of homeopathy through the portals of mixed media art and the homeopathic remedy Arnica Montana. What an amazing way to start your journey of self-discovery? Through this course, you'll learn about the healing properties of this powerful flower remedy while also exploring your own creativity and artistic talents. So why not give it a try and see what amazing things you can discover about yourself?


Your Creative Guide

Hi there! Iโ€™m Sara, a mixed media artist and homeopath, who is passionate about helping you tune into your heart and discover what lights up your soul through making art. I created this course because I know how confusing and overwhelming it can be to figure out what you truly want out of life.

For years, I struggled with this myself. I felt lost and uninspired, unsure of what direction to take. It wasn't until I started exploring my creativity that I began to find answers.

Through the healing power of homeopathy and mixed media art, I was able to connect with my inner self and discover what truly lit up my soul. I was able to express myself in ways I never thought possible through happy splatters of paint and collage. It is an ongoing delightful journey of introspection that I will always cherish.

I created Colourful Creative Explorations to help you on your journey of self-discovery and creativity. My intention is to provide a safe space where you can look within, find your soul purpose, and discover what truly brings you joy.

It's been an incredible journey for me so far, and I am so honored to be able to share this with others. I hope that through Colourful Creative Explorations, more women can connect with their innate creativity and find the inspiration they need to live their best lives. I truly believe that each of us has great creative potential and my intention is to help you tap into your well of creativity and bring it to life. I offer a fun and easy way for you to explore and express your innate creativity through mixed media art. The focus of this class is on making art with joyful abandon, allowing you to experiment with different techniques to find out what works best for you.


Get ready to unleash your inner artist and stir your soul with this new online course!

Explore the beauty of your inner world with
Colourful Creative Explorations


Are you looking to add more creativity, joy and purpose into your life? Colourful Creative Explorations is the perfect online course for you! With my fun and easy mixed media painting techniques, you'll be able to effortlessly fit creativity into your day and discover what fires your inner being. My unique holistic approach will help you look within and find your soul purpose in life. Join us today and get ready to awaken your inner artist and ignite your passion for living. Elevate your life with splashes of paint and colour! 


โ€œWhat keeps my heart awake is colourful silence."

โ€• Claude Monet


Watch the video to peek inside the class โ€ฆ.



 This class is for you if โ€ฆ

Colourful Creative Explorations is for you if ...
  • You who want to explore your creativity in a holistic and mindful way.

  • You are interested in mixed media art and want to learn new techniques.

  • You want to incorporate a more holistic lifestyle into your daily routine.

  • You are looking for a creative outlet to relieve stress and anxiety.

  • You want to connect with like-minded soulful individuals in an online community.

  • You are interested in exploring the healing properties of homeopathy.

  • You want to learn more about the healing properties of Arnica Montana and how it can benefit your health and well-being.

  • You are curious about the connection between creativity and holistic living.

  • You would love to create a mixed media painting inspired by Arnica Montana and the principles of homeopathy.

  • You would to dive into art and creativity as a form of self-expression and self-discovery.

  • You want to develop a deeper understanding of holistic living and how it can be incorporated into your daily life.


Are you excited to know what's inside this workshop? 

Letโ€™s explore all that awaits you inside!


Get Creative with Mixed Media Techniques and Painting Tools

Expand your artistic range and explore the world of mixed media art. Use a variety of painting tools to create unique marks on your painting that add texture, colour and form to your canvas.

Develop the knowledge and confidence to include mixed media techniques into your art practice. Learn how to use a variety of painting tools such as inks and stamps, along with other media such as paper, for an enriched creative experience. Let your creative spirit take flight!

Prep Your Canvas to Paint Your Beautiful Artwork

Taking the time to prime your painting substrate is vital if you want to create a beautiful and lasting piece of art. Learn how to properly prime your surface to ensure you have a perfect substrate to paint on.

Gaining the confidence and techniques to properly prime your surface will give you the foundation to create an gorgeous masterpiece that you can be proud of and that will last for years to come.

Unleash your Creative Potential with Handmade Collage Papers 

Unlock your creative potential by making your own custom collage papers! Create unique looks and patterns to suit your creative projects in whatever way feels right to you. 

You will learn how to make your own collage papers that will give you the freedom to visually express yourself in a way that is unique to you. Working with collage is a wonderful way to inspire your creative power and helps you overcome the fear of staring at a blank canvas. Enjoy the thrill of making something beautiful that expresses an aesthetic that quintessentially represents you.

Explore Realism and Abstract Art in Your Paintings

Discover the beauty of realism and abstract art in your paintings! Learn the fundamentals of each approach and create stunning paintings that express your unique vision.

Try your hand at different styles of painting and develop your very own creative process that resonates with your soul. Create beautiful works of art that express your deepest self. Gain confidence to create artwork that perfectly expresses your thoughts and feelings.

Create Your Own Unique Work of Art

Unleash your creativity and explore your artistry with a range of mediums to communicate what you want to share with the world in visual form. From collage and acrylic paint to watercolours, inks, paint markers and more, the possibilities for your artistic expression are limitless.

Try something new and develop your art skills to create beautiful pieces that give form to your unique experiences and emotions. Adorn your space with your art!

Discover Homeopathy with Arnica Montana

Learn about Homeopathy - an ancient healing art through the much loved homeopathic floral remedy, Arnica Montana that can gently transform your life. While homeopathy and art may seem like unrelated worlds, together they can create a powerful force for healing. Through a combination of painting, collage, creative self-expression and an exploration of homeopathic remedies, people can begin to break through internal barriers and explore the transformative power of homeopathy to foster physical, mental and emotional well-being.

Experience the healing power of homeopathy with the soothing essence of Arnica Montana. Invite an empowering sense of well-being and gain a greater understanding of how to channel healing power of the natural world into your creative process.


Join Me Inside and Enjoy These Bonuses


Watch a Painting Come To Life

Experience the therapeutic process of painting as you watch a beautiful artwork come to life from beginning to end. This behind-the-scenes video will inspire and motivate you to create your own masterpiece.

Lifetime Access

Enjoy lifetime access to the course material, so you can explore and learn at your own pace. Take control of your creative life and unlock the power of your creative growth.

Join Our Community! 

Join our supportive community of like-minded women in a private Facebook group where you can ask questions, share your work, and connect with others on a similar journey. Get inspired, motivated and receive feedback on your creations.

A refreshing look at engaging with art that is chilled and accessible. You have a lovely manner and Iโ€™m sure anyone who is early on in their art journey will really love trialling this course. I liked that you took a piece from start to finish. I would definitely recommend it more for a beginner or artist new to abstract. Someone needing a fresh perspective / angle on their art.
— Julia (Essex, UK)


  • An exploration of various mixed media painting techniques.

  • Learn how to prime your painting substrate with gesso.

  • Experiment with different mark making tools and a variety of paintbrushes.

  • Become proficient using acrylic paint, watercolours, inks, paint markers, crayons, pencils and pens.

  • Learn how to make your own collage papers.

  • Explore different colour schemes.

  • Try your hand at abstract art.

  • Find out how to create quick sketches.

  • Discover how to transfer your sketched motif onto your painting substrate.

  • Allow nature to be your muse.

  • Creatively examine an extraordinary healing flower and a much loved homeopathic remedy - Arnica Montana.

  • Be guided through the art making process with inspiring painting videos.

  • Learn how to varnish your finished painting.

  • Watch a painting come to life from start to finish.

  • Lifetime access to the course material.

  • Access to the private Facebook Group.

Colourful Creative Explorations Class Video Content Part I
Colourful Creative Explorations Class Video Content Part II


  • More clarity about your creative potential supported by 16 videos.

  • A downloadable worksheet that will support your creative journey inwards.

  • Two downloadable PDFs of the course material.

  • A downloadable list of my favourite art supplies.

  • A finished mixed media painting that carries a special message for you.

  • Five mixed media artworks that you can continue to work on in your own time, using the techniques that you learn in this class.

  • The opportunity to connect with our global creative community through the private Facebook Group with lifetime access. 

Colourful Creative Explorations will help you cultivate greater self-confidence as you hone your artistic expression. Unleash your creative talent and discover unique ways to explore and express yourself. Allow your imagination to take flight and develop your visual awareness through fun mixed media painting techniques. Start living a holistic creative lifestyle that expands your personal vision and aspirations. This class will give you the tools to stretch your creative wings and take flight. Set yourself free with Colourful Creative Explorations!


Kind notes from the studentsโ€ฆ

Hi, really loving the course and think Sara is so inspiring. Taking my time and had to order a few things but so glad I signed on. Kindest regards, Akke
Dear Sara, thank you for an amazing class. I highly recommend it.
— Buju K.
Friendly, creative and inspiring. Very impressed with all the video content. Iโ€™d recommend it especially to those wanting more creativity and headspace.
— Deryn (France)

Invest in Your Holistic Creative Lifestyle With
Colourful Creative Explorations

  • A creative introduction to the healing system of homeopathy through the floral remedy Arnica Montana.

  • Learn various mixed media painting techniques and painting tools.

  • Learn how to prime your painting substrate and make your own collage papers.

  • Experiment with acrylic paint, watercolours, inks, paint markers, crayons, pencils, and paint pens

  • Explore abstract and realism in your paintings.

  • Watch a painting come to life from start to finish.

  • Lifetime access to course material to explore at your own pace.

  • Access to a private Facebook group for support and inspiration.

  • Payment plan available to help you on your creative journey inwards!


Join me on this colourful creative journey and invest in your holistic lifestyle today! 

Only ยฃ129


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Join Us ใ€ฐ๏ธ


Live with purpose!

Jump on board and join us! Iโ€™m so looking forward to meeting you.

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+ Do I have know how to paint or draw to join this class?

Absolutely not. This course is suitable for all levels. I believe we are all artists at heart. Remember, most of us learned how to draw before we learned how to write as children. I will share easy painting and sketching techniques to ease you into the creative process.

+ How much time will this course need?

The class is designed to take you 3 weeks to complete. You will need up to 30 minutes per day to watch the videos and go through the course material. I encourage you to make time for your art practice. You can create your first layers in 20-30 minutes so you can easily fit it into your busy schedule!

+ Iโ€™ve never taken an online class before. Can you tell me how this works?

This is a self-paced class so you can dive into the course material at your own pace at whatever time suits you from the comfort of your home!

+ How do I purchase this course?

Simply click on the SIGN UP TODAY pink button and it will take you to the checkout page where you can purchase this course.

+ How long will I have access to this course?

You have lifetime access to the course so you can work through it at a pace that suits you!

+ How much space do I need in my home for painting?

All you need is some space on your desk or kitchen table. We will be working on small substrates in this course.

+ What materials do I need for this course?

I provide a full list of art supplies that you can download once you enroll in the course. However there is no to go out and buy a lot of art supplies for this course. I encourage you to scavenge around your home and find what art materials you already have.

+ What medium will be using in this mixed media class?

I will be using mostly acrylic paints in this class as I find it lends iteself well to creating mixed media art. I'll also be using watercolours, crayons, pens, stamps and collage papers.

+ Can I use oil paints instead?

Of course! You can use any materials you prefer. However, I find it easier to create mixed media paintings using acrylic paint and so all the lessons will revolve around learning how to use water-based painting supplies.

+ Can I tell my friends to join?

Yes! The more the merrier. Ask them to enroll in the course by filling out the registration found at the top of this page.

+ Is this class suitable for children?

Not really. This course is designed for adults 18 years old and above.

+ Iโ€™ve never ever painted can I still join this class?

Of course you can! This class walks you through the painting process and gives you easy, fun techniques that aim to inspire you to show up for your art practice. This course is suitable for beginners and more experienced artists alike.

+ What is the connection between homeopathy & mixed media art in this course?

This course emerged as a result of my multi-disciplinary background as an artist and homeopath. Find out more about my journey.

+ Can I access the course via phone or iPad?


+ Can I download the videos?

No but you have lifetime access to them so you can watch them as many times as you please!

+ Can I sell the painting I create in this class?

I commend you for your entrepreneurial spirit! While I encourage you to find your unique creative voice, the issue of integrity arises here. It is natural and assumed that your artwork may look a lot like mine as you are learning my way of approaching this painting. That is perfectly fine for learning purposes. However, art entails finding our own unique creative voice and style. This takes time and practice. It is therefore not permissible to sell your artwork by copying my style.

+ Are the materials safe?

I tend to get my hands messy with paint and gel medium etc. However, the materials can be hazardous if not used properly. I urge you to read the safety instructions on any art supplies you decide to use before diving into your creative practice, particularly if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. I do sometimes wear gloves while painting and apply a thick barrier cream before I begin as I find the paint tends to dry my skin.

+ Can I contact other members also taking this course?

Yes. You will have access to the private Facebook Group where you can connect and share your experiences as well as your artwork with like-minded souls. This platform will remain open indefinitely (as long as Facebook is still up and running!)

+ Can I ask questions directly to Sara?

YES! You will have the opportunity to ask Sara your questions in the private Facebook group. Sara will not be able to answer every question directed to her but will do her best to check into the private Facebook Group once a week. However, the Facebook forum is a wonderful place to ask and receive feedback from our supportive, global creative community.

For technical questions we will be happy to help you Sunday-Thursday. Simply email us at and we will get back to you as soon as possible!

+ Do I need a high speed internet connection to view the course videos?

Yes. The videos are in fact a significant learning aspect in this course. We are not able to provide alternative viewing options for customers with slow internet connections. So please make sure your internet connections are up to speed before enrolling in this course.

+ What happens if the course doesnโ€™t show up properly on my phone, tablet or desktop?

Colourful Creative Explorations was designed to be viewable on a wide range of devices. This includes desktops, phones and tablets. If youโ€™re experiencing issues with how the course is working, please reach out to

+ Safety and liability waiver release

It is your responsibility to read the safety instructions carefully before using any of the supplies mentioned in this course. Moreover, this course is not in any way a replacement for professional medical advise. If you need it, it is up to you to seek professional clinical advice.


Have you ever wondered what could happen if you could make more time for yourself and explore your creativity?

What opportunities are you missing out on by not taking the time to invest in your holistic well-being and discovering what you truly love to do??

Don't miss out on all the opportunities that open up for you when you enroll in Colourful Creative Explorations!

Here are 5 opportunities waiting for you when you address the struggle of not having enough time for yourself:

  • Discover your inner artist and learn mixed media techniques to express yourself creatively.

  • Explore the world of homeopathy and discover the benefits of the natural remedy Arnica Montana.

  • Learn how to use art as a tool for self-reflection and personal growth.

  • Connect with other like-minded women on a similar journey of self-discovery and holistic living.

  • Unleash your full potential and find your soul purpose in life.


Don't miss out on the opportunity to invest in yourself and explore your creativity with the Colourful Creative Explorations course. Take action now and be the first to know when doors to this inspiring mixed media art class open!


Thank you for taking the time to explore the Colourful Creative Explorations course. I hope that you have found inspiration and motivation to take the leap into a more holistic creative lifestyle. 

Remember, this course is designed specifically for busy women who want to take care of themselves, but struggle to find the time. Through this course, you will gain an introduction to Homeopathy and the powerful healing properties of the Arnica Montana remedy, all while exploring your creativity through mixed media art.

If youโ€™re ready to take the first step towards a more balanced and fulfilling life, then I encourage you to join the Colourful Creative Explorations course today. You will gain access to a supportive community of like-minded women and receive all the resources you need to embark on this colourful transformational journey.

So, donโ€™'t wait any longer!

Take this opportunity to invest in yourself and discover the joy of a holistic creative lifestyle. Your health and happiness are worth it. Click the button below to get on the waitlist and be the first to know when doors open.