Do You Know Your Life's Purpose?
Look for signposts on your path.
Your life calling may not always be obvious for you. Sometimes it’s only in hindsight that you see how your journey so far has led you to where you are meant to be.
This has certainly been true for me. For many years I was deeply immersed in the study and practice of homeopathy in my 30s. Before that, I was training rigorously, competing internationally, and teaching the classical Japanese martial arts of Iaido, Jodo and Kendo in my 20s. I never once imagined I would change direction and become an artist in my mid-40s! However, looking back over my journey, I see how my creativity quietly, slowly and ever so gradually came knocking on my door.
Reflecting back over the last 35 years of my life, a few key moments stand out that directed me onto this path. One was during the study of a particular homeopathic remedy that revolves around remembering your soul's purpose. The idea is that we each were born with a mission but we tend to forget this at the moment of conception. Through years of helping clients in my homeopathy practice, I've found this to be largely true. Very few people actually know what they're truly passionate about. This remedy intrigued me to delve deeper into my own process.
After many years of introspection and exploration, I came across a wise mentor, who told me that my life purpose is to be an artist. Now that wasn't something I was expecting to hear at all! What did she mean by an artist?! I all but forgot her words until a few years later, in the midst of conducting my own homeopathic proving I was plunged into the world of colour and paint. I'm certain the remedy rekindled my dormant creativity as it involves unlocking the potential of the creative right side of the brain. You can find out more about the proving if you're interested. Suffice it to say that since then, my life has taken a totally different direction and I'm overjoyed!
So began my love affair with paint, colour and all things creative and has continued to grow in unexpected ways! I've since created fun, colourful and very soulful MIXED MEDIA ART ONLINE COURSES that incorporate my knowledge of homeopathy combined with my love for art. These holistic, creative courses aim to help you re-connect with your authentic Self by tuning inwards and discovering what stands in the way of actualizing your true potential. Are you in? I truly hope so! Find out more below.
Sara xo
Quote of the month
“But beware of this about callings: they may not lead us where we intended to go or even where we want to go. If we choose to follow, we may have to be willing to let go of the life we already planned and accept whatever is waiting for us. And if the calling is true, though we may not have gone where we intended, we will surely end up where we need to be.”
(Steve Goodier)
Fly Free
I'm thrilled to announce that FLY FREE, my new online holistic mixed media art course has officially launched! This soulful mixed media class draws on my years of experience as a registered homeopath. I hope you will take the leap and join me on this creative adventure!
New Painting in Shop
Al Karim - acrylic on canvas