

Turn inward and transform!


Unleash your creativity and delve into the depths of your inner horizon with my unique approach to discovering your purpose. Through mixed media art and homeopathy, I empower soulful women like you to connect with your authentic self and unlock your potential.

Start your journey towards self-discovery today and explore my original paintings and creative online workshops. My mission is to inspire introspection, creativity, and reflection, so you can live a fulfilling and purpose-driven life.

The doorway is through the heart.



Infused with soul and created with intention, my original mixed media paintings are the perfect addition to your home. Each piece is layered and rich with emotion, inviting you to explore the depths of your own soul. 

This piece (Light Upon Light) took me “away” to a place of silence. I felt still and completely captivated - not only by the layering of the calligraphy, but also by the different patterns and colours. It’s a work of art that elevates my home and transmits serenity, harmony and reflection! Totally in love!!!!
— H.R.H. Princess Noor Asem (Jordan)

Discover Your Soul Purpose Through Art and Homeopathy


Art helps you tune into your huge potential!

Discover the power of art and homeopathy through my holistic online courses. My mixed media art workshops combine these two practices to create a transformative healing experience for your mind, body, and soul. 

Wanting to embrace your creativity?

Connect with your inner compass through mixed media art and step into a world of possibility. Cultivate an art practice that you can easily fit into your daily routine. Learn fun, easy painting techniques and creatively explore a healing flower, Arnica.

Longing to fly free?

Join us into the realm of the Peregrine Falcon through the portals of paint, colour, mixed media art & the healing system of homeopathy. Discover how to align with your soul’s purpose. Tune into your heart, find your wings and fly free!

Wishing to speak your truth?

Join us on a mixed media art adventure into the realm of the healing system of homeopathy and the flower Delphinium Staphisagria. Find out how it can help you to tune in and express what you need to say. Speak your truth. Your voice matters!


I believe creativity is vital to our wellbeing.

The creative process connects us to our inner guide and gives expression to our authentic self.


Kind words from clients…

What a heart opening adventure! Fly Free is not just a creative journey into the art of colour and form, it is an encounter with spirit. I loved Sara’s gentle approach, her inspirational content and the energy she put into creating a virtual space for the soul. The course is loaded with tips and tools to take a more holistic approach towards expressing the creative unconscious. I can’t recommend this course enough.
— Niveen, USA
Thank you for your beautiful painting. It’s such a joy having it in my home. This painting is a breath of joy and fresh air. It represents hope with a beautiful blossoming olive tree. Although the marigold are bleeding but hope and positivity is in the background, the pink endless road and the green tree of perpetuity. This is a painting that I’ll cherish dearly. Thank you Sara.
— Hadia, Jordan
The reason I chose to purchase from Sara is because her paintings spoke straight to my heart. The wisdom of being in the heart shines through all of her work. As a psychologist, I was searching for a painting for my office that encompassed the knowledge of the journey within, and her work did exactly that. Behind the work is Sara, a person who is such an honour to know and communicate with. She beautifully packaged and shipped my painting internationally, which arrived safely to me. I’m definitely a repeat customer, as I currently have my eye on her 2019 collection!
— Dina, Cyprus
I am the very fortunate owner of this painting. It has added so much love, peace and acceptance to the ambiance of my home. Every time I glance at it, it fills my heart with love. Thank you dearest.
— Zwein, Jordan
Sara Kabariti - Artist, healer and creativity guide. I%22m here to help you discover your soul purpose..jpg

Hi there! I’m Sara…

An artist, homeopath and creativity guide.

As a registered homeopath since 2006 and a mixed media artist since 2015, I’ve combined my skills and passions to create a unique creative business that empowers women to look within and discover their true calling. Through my original paintings, prints, and online classes, I guide women on a journey of self-exploration and discovery. I also offer holistic support for both physical and emotional wellness through 1-1 consultations with clients.

I have been featured in various publications, namely Beth Kempton’s bestselling book Wabi Sabi: Japanese Wisdom for a Perfectly Imperfect Life and participated in a number of art shows, including the NAHNU Female Artists Exhibition. With a reflective and uplifting approach, I help women tap into their creativity and embrace their inner wisdom.

My intention is to help you find the keys to all the possibility you carry within. So, if you’re a soulful woman who’s ready to embrace your purpose and express yourself through art and holistic healing, let’s get started!

